Friday, October 15, 2010

BP9_Google Earth

The web 2.0 tool that I am going to explore this week is Google Earth. Google Earth is a wonderful tool that allows you to explore the world in 3D from anywhere. A couple of its features that I found to be stellar are the 3D buildings, the ability to see the moon and all of its lunar features and the ability to see distant stars, comets and planets. I am especially a big fan of the sky feature. As I just stated you will have the ability to see stars, comets and planets but what I didn't tell you is that you also have the ability to look at different constellations and nebulae as pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. Also you can click on planets in our solar system and track their orbit.
But the main reason I chose Google Earth is the feature that allows you to become a world traveler. Becoming a world traveler allows you to see countries, monuments, and other great things in 3D right from the comfort of your own home. With that feature I will travel Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Spain and other countries to gain/give insight about instrumental composers, their history and maybe even show how their music reflects the living situations that part of the world was in and how simple things like the terrain or geography of a country can inspire beautiful pieces of music. So in essence, with Google Earth, I can teach literature, english, geography, science, astronomy, art history and music history all while integrating technology in the classroom.


  1. Tremeris:
    You've opened my eyes to new uses for this Web 2.0 tool! A friend told me about it a while ago, but I never took the time to check it out. He had referred it to me to look up real estate, sort of what I use for. I never thought to use it for exploration and research. I think it would be a great ice-breaker in the first week of school for my students. Being a boarding school we have kids from 40 different countries and Google Earth would be a fun and engaging way for us to explore each student's culture and get to know one another. I look forward to trying this program next term! This gives me plenty of time to check it out myself first.
